콜롬비아의 안데스 산지

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

시에라네바다 데 산타마르타


세계에서 가장 높은 연안 산맥인 '시에라 네바다 데 산타 마르타 산맥'에는 콜롬비아 최고봉인 '피코 크리스토발 콜론'과 '피코 시몬 볼리바르'와 과히라 사막 그리고 여기저기 산재한 나무와 덤불로 된 관목숲의 반건조 스텝 초원이 있다

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Snowy Mountain Range of Saint Martha) is an isolated mountain range apart from the Andes chain that runs through Colombia. Reaching an altitude of 5,700 metres above sea level just 42 km from the Caribbean coast, the Sierra Nevada is the world's highest coastal range. The Sierra Nevada encompasses about 17,000 km² and serves as the source of 36 rivers. Its range covers the Magdalena Department, Cesar Department and La Guajira Department.

The highest point of the Sierra Nevada group (and Colombia in general) may be either Pico Cristóbal Colón or Pico Simón Bolívar; it has yet to be determined which is higher. SRTM data and local topographic maps show that their true elevations is approximately 5,700 metres, lower than the 5,775 metre elevation that is often quoted. ......

[관련사이트] http://animals.about.com/od/environment ··· erve.htm
[관련사이트] http://www.plinio.com/sierrane.htm
[관련사이트] http://www.whatbagsnarrate.com/en_fabiocuttica_2.html